Raising Concerns about a Pascha Therapist
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This page contains information for people wishing to raise concerns or make a complaint about a Pascha Therapist.
Therapists who are members of the New Zealand Association of Intuitive and Pascha Therapists are required to comply with the NZAIPT Code of Ethics.
A copy of the Code of Ethics is available in a downloadable PDF document on this website. Please follow this link to view that
Notification of Concern
Complaints about a Therapist’s behavior may be brought to the attention of the Ethics Committee by:
a client or clients of the Therapist
a legal guardian of a client
another Therapist who is working with the client. (The client’s written permission would be required)
a colleague, supervisor or manager of the Therapist
a member of the public
Raising the Concern with the Therapist
If you have concerns about a Therapist you are encouraged to discuss these in the first instance, with the Therapist involved. This is often the most direct way to clear up any misunderstanding or disagreement. Pascha Therapists are educated to be self-aware and take responsibility for their actions and are always encouraged to be open to feedback, discussion and concern from clients.
You may wish to have support to discuss the issue and/or choose to bring a support person with you. If you would like help or guidance in having such a discussion, please contact the Vice President of the NZAIPT using the Contact form on this website.
If a such a discussion did not resolve the matter for you, or if the incident was too serious for you to consider a direct approach, then you may ask the Association to either assist in resolving it or to initiate a formal investigation.
In this situation, please write to the Vice President of the Association at : NZAIPT, P O Box 20, Tai Tapu 7645, New Zealand with your complaint. (Please see the guidelines for submitting a complaint at the end of this document).
Receiving Complaints
Complaints relating to a member of the Association will be considered in relation to professional misconduct, behaviour which adversely affects the NZAIPT or behaviour that brings disrepute to the profession of Pascha Therapy.
Upon receipt of the complaint the Vice President will check that the member complained of is a member of the Association and then begin the procedure as shown below.
Initial Assessment
When a written complaint is lodged with the Ethics Committee an assessment will be made by the President or Vice President whether or not the behaviour described is professional misconduct, behaviour unbecoming a member of the Association or behaviour prejudicial to the interests of the NZAIPT.
If it is not deemed so, you will be informed and offered advice about other avenues or support that may be open to you.
If the initial assessment concludes that there is a case to answer you will be asked to consent in writing that your complaint be sent to the Therapist concerned. You will receive a copy of the correspondence. This allows the matter to proceed as follows:
Upon receiving your consent, the Ethics Committee will read and consider your concern. They will then decide on the most appropriate step as listed below:
Assist you to seek private resolution.
The Vice President will offer you advice about approaching the Therapist and the support that might be available for you to take this step.
Request a written response from the Therapist in question
The Therapist is advised of the complaint and given a month to respond in writing. Once the reply is received the Ethics Committee will decide on what further steps may be taken. You will be informed of these steps.
Further Action
Upon receipt of the response from the Therapist concerned the President or Vice President may respond in the following ways.
Decide there is no case to answer.
Both you and the respondent will be informed that there will be no further action taken by the Committee. You will be offered advice about other avenues that may be open to you.
Decide that more information is required.
Letter/s will be sent seeking further information and requesting a further written response from the Therapist concerned. This may conclude the matter satisfactorily or lead on to one of the following criteria:
Assessment finds that while the behaviour complained about does not match the standards required of a Pascha Therapist and/or has caused distress to the complainant it does not require a full hearing. In this instance the Therapist is asked to undergo further education, training and/or supervision.
In this case the matter will be referred to a senior supervisor to work with the Therapist concerned. The senior supervisor will recommend courses and classes the Therapist must attend to assist them in making beneficial changes in their practice. The Therapist may be asked to write a formal apology to you.
You will be informed of this outcome and offered assistance to find a replacement Therapist if this is requested.
Decide that there is enough evidence of conduct not befitting a Therapist because the behaviour complained of:
Fails to meet the required standards of behaviour described in the NZAIPT Code of Ethics
Is behaviour not of a standard of a competent practitioner
Brings the profession of Pascha Therapy into disrepute
And is unlikely to be resolved without formal sanctions being imposed.
If any of the above criteria are meet a formal hearing of the Ethics Committee will be held.
Ethics Committee Resolution Process
The following steps are involved in the formal hearing process.
The Resolution Committee will consist of three members, one of whom will be the President or Vice President of the Association. The President or Vice President will select two other team members to assist with the hearing and resolution of the complaint. The Vice President will ensure the team members have no conflict of interest with either you or the Therapist concerned. They will be provided with copies of any documentation relevant to the complaint.
Further Information about your complaint
Two of the Resolution Committee members will meet with you. You are welcome to bring a support person. This purpose of the meeting is to hear your account of the incident which led to the complaint and to discuss your expectations and needs in relation to an outcome.
Meeting with the Member
The same two Resolution Committee members will meet with the Therapist concerned. The meeting will provide an opportunity for the Therapist to give their account of what happened, to learn of any other circumstances that may have contributed to the incident and to invite reflection on the incident by the Therapist if warranted.
Post Interview Assessment
At the completion of the interview process the Resolution Committee may decide on the following possible outcomes:
1. No further action is required
2. Conclusion of a private resolution between the parties is sufficient or
3. That the Therapist:
undertakes restorative and educational steps to ensure they are able to acknowledge the incident and the affect it had on the complainant.
writes a formal apology to the complainant
attends increased or specialist supervision
attends further classes or training.
4. Recommends that a formal hearing be convened to review the Therapist’s actions and response to the incident and how this may affect their accreditation and or membership of the NZAIPT.
Convening a Formal Hearing
A formal hearing to address a complaint about a Therapist of the Association will only be convened if all other avenues for resolution are unsuccessful or the behaviour complained of is deemed important enough to warrant suspension or expulsion from the Association.
The hearing will follow the principles of natural justice, providing the Therapist the right of reply and to seek advocacy and legal advice.
A panel consisting of the President or Vice President and two senior Therapists or NZAIPT Teachers will be convened by the President of the Association. The panel will consult with appropriate legal representation prior to and during the preparation for the hearing.
The Hearing Panel will gather information to determine whether the behaviour occurred and whether the behaviour is deemed to be: professional misconduct, behaviour adversely affecting the NZAIPT or the profession of Pascha Therapy.
You will be asked to attend and give your account of the incident that led to the complaint and may be asked questions by members of the panel, the Therapist concerned or their legal representative.
If the behaviour confirmed by the panel is found to be of concern, the panel will then determine any sanctions that may be imposed. These may include but not be limited to: formal apology, increased supervision, requirement to undergo retraining, suspension of membership and expulsion from the NZAIPT.
Depending on the seriousness of the incident public notification of the expulsion from the Association is also an option. Other members of the Association will be informed either through email, the newsletter or at the NZAIPT AGM.
The incident will be deemed to be closed when the Ethics Committee members are satisfied that the matter is resolved.
Information about the outcome or progress of the proceedings will be sent to you within a month of the initial interview and continue to be sent until the matter is resolved.
The written complaint, the response and all other formal correspondence relating to the complaint will be kept on file by the Secretary of the Association.
The convener of the panel, either the President or Vice President, shall be responsible for the correspondence required during the course of the formal hearing.
Any copies of material held by other members of the panel during the hearing shall be destroyed at the completion of the hearing.
Guidelines for Making a Complaint
The following information helps speed the process of making a complaint.
1. Your name and address, telephone numbers and an email address if available.
2. The name and address of the Pascha Therapist involved and their place of work.
3. The nature of the Therapy relationship, ie individual, couple counseling, supervision etc.
4. The dates of the appointments with the Therapist and the duration of the relationship.
5. If you are complaining for yourself or for someone else. If for someone else please let us know the relationship you have to them.
6. What did the Therapist do or say that has caused you to lay a complaint? Please describe these as clearly as possible.
7. Let us know if you have already taken any action in addressing your complaints, for example talking to the Therapist or other member of the organisation they work for.
8. Also let us know if you have made a complaint about this matter through any other avenues.
9. Let us know if you are available to attend a formal hearing to present your complaint and answer questions.